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Art of Natural Health


Regular price $40.00

This bracelet uses the healing properties of Fire Agate.  The concentric bands of agate forms in nearly every color the earth can produce excellent protective properties, strengthens influence, and harmonizes yin and yang, the positive and negative forces of the universe. This bracelet has rhinestone accent spacer beads that provide an array of bling.

Agate generally forms by the deposition of silica from groundwater in the cavities of igneous rocks. The different colors were produced as ground waters of different compositions seeped into the cavity. The banding within a cavity is a record of water chemistry change. This banding gives many agates the interesting colors and patterns that make it a popular gemstone. 

Fits 7 1/2" to 8" wrist. This bracelet is hand-made with durable wire and toggle clasp that adds to the aesthetic design.